Attitude Clothing - Promo Codes & Discounts
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Attitude Clothing is a popular online retailer of alternative fashion, footwear, and accessories. They cater to a wide range of subcultures including punk, goth, rockabilly, and metal. Here are some frequently asked questions about Attitude Clothing:
What kind of products does Attitude Clothing sell?
Attitude Clothing sells a wide range of alternative fashion products such as clothing, footwear, accessories, jewelry, and cosmetics.
What subcultures does Attitude Clothing cater to?
Attitude Clothing caters to a variety of subcultures including punk, goth, rockabilly, metal, and more.
Are the products at Attitude Clothing high-quality?
Yes, Attitude Clothing offers high-quality products from top brands such as Dr. Martens, Iron Fist, and Killstar.
Can I return a product if I am not satisfied with it?
Yes, Attitude Clothing has a 30-day returns policy. If you are not satisfied with your purchase, you can return it for a refund or exchange.
How long does it take for my order to arrive?
Orders within the UK usually arrive within 2-3 working days. International orders can take up to 14 working days to arrive.
How much does shipping cost?
Shipping costs vary depending on your location and the size of your order. You can check the shipping cost during checkout.
Can I track my order?
Yes, you can track your order on the Attitude Clothing website.
Is my personal information secure on the Attitude Clothing website?
Yes, Attitude Clothing uses SSL encryption to protect your personal information.
Can I pay with PayPal?
Yes, Attitude Clothing accepts PayPal as a payment method.
Can I pay with a debit or credit card?
Yes, Attitude Clothing accepts debit and credit cards including Visa, Mastercard, and American Express.
Do you offer gift cards?
Yes, Attitude Clothing offers gift cards in various denominations.
Can I use discount codes on Attitude Clothing?
Yes, you can use discount codes during checkout to save money on your order.
Do you offer student discounts?
Yes, Attitude Clothing offers a 10% student discount through Student Beans.
Do you have a loyalty program?
Yes, Attitude Clothing has a loyalty program called "AC Crew" where you can earn points for making purchases and referring friends.
Do you have a size guide?
Yes, Attitude Clothing has a size guide on their website to help you choose the right size for your clothing.
Can I contact Attitude Clothing customer service if I have any questions?
Yes, you can contact Attitude Clothing customer service through email or phone.
Do you have a physical store?
No, Attitude Clothing is an online-only retailer.
Can I pre-order items that are out of stock?
No, Attitude Clothing does not offer pre-orders for out-of-stock items.
Can I cancel my order?
You can cancel your order within 14 days of receiving it by contacting Attitude Clothing customer service.
Can I leave a review for a product on the Attitude Clothing website?
Yes, you can leave a review for a product on the Attitude Clothing website to share your experience with other customers.